Polyamory Education and Support

Polyamory Education and Support. Classes, support groups and events available weekly.

PEACE promotes and facilitates opportunities to improve and equalize the social, emotional, physical, and mental well being of Polyamorous, lesbian and bisexual WOMEN in Las Vegas. Having built a solid understanding of the complex issues facing people when participating in physical activities such as swimming, and clothing optional body issues, we knew that the project needed to be handled sensitively and boldly to help break down some of the barriers and stigma faced by individuals. This included monitoring the participation Polyamorous couples and women  closely, as a group who are even more likely to be disadvantaged and experience acute access barriers. At Peace dance or celebrate at our daily and evening events where issues of body image shall never be based on judgements.

Provision of a safe space – Group meetings, resources, education and social activity

When consulted ahead of taking part in the group sessions, many participants reported feeling anxious and “put off” accessing public social clubs  due to negative experiences and feelings of exclusion and public harassment or embarrassment. They expressed their hope that the sessions would “improve their confidence” and “get rid of the paranoid feelings” they experienced before, when previously attempting to access facilities. The Peace Center is a safe harbor for Lesbian genders and Polyamorous couples to be part of the community with no body shaming.

Opportunities to increase social networks in the Lesbian and Couples Polyamorous community

Others also expressed the hope that the sessions would give them the opportunity to “meet like-minded people” and “feel part of a community”, which became a strong driver for creating a social environment meetings and group activity and lessons, as well as one focused on physical activity. Peace Center contributes to this considerably by providing access to the meeting space and PEACE CENTER secure and safe environment.


Close monitoring of the access needs of participants before the sessions began helped us ensure that there were adequate facilities to respond to their needs, and informed staff from both organizations to provide a consistent welcome for all those taking part.

Peace event  Chill Sun Project To Rejoice with NO Body Discrimination, a Polyamorous and Lesbian perspective

  • Peace Health and Well being provided exclusive social and meeting sessions for lesbian and bisexual people living in or traveling to Las Vegas. Delivered bi-weekly, these vital sessions provided a safe, accessible and supportive space for people to engage in physical activity and socialize without fear of discrimination, abuse or discomfort. These sessions highlighted in this report illustrate how effective this gradual and thorough approach to partnership work can be, in providing life-changing projects for often disadvantaged individuals.

  Key Objectives

  • People feel more connected to their community.
  • People feel more confident about their body.
  • People are more active and feel more confident accessing Las Vegas and San Diego Leisure services.
  • The physical health of LBS people has improved.
  • People feel less isolated
  • The Lesbian and Poly community can have a home free of harassment and disinclination
  • When consulted ahead of taking part in the Peace rejoice or Sun  sessions, many participants reported feeling anxious and “put off” accessing public pools due to negative experiences and feelings of exclusion and public harassment or embarrassment. They expressed their hope that the sessions would “improve their confidence” and “get rid of the paranoid feelings” they experienced before, when previously attempting to access facilities.
  • Opportunities to increase social networks
  • Others also expressed the hope that the sessions would give them the opportunity to “meet like-minded people” and “feel part of a community”, which became a strong driver for creating a social environment in and around the pool, as well as one
  • focused on physical activity.
  • Accessibility.

Please contact us to for schedules and to set up attendance.